Bread of Life Lutheran Church - 700 Clayton Ave - Georgetown, KY -  Ph: 502.603.8190



Adult Bible Study:  Each Sunday at 9AM Pastor Johnson leads a Bible Study in the FLC, all are welcome.

Children’s Sunday School is at 9AM in the basement classrooms.

July 4th Parade - We will have a float in the Georgetown parade.  See Denis for info. 

Choir rehearsals will resume after Labor Day in the fall.

Monthly Dates:
  • Tuesday Night Bible Study – 2nd Tuesday 7pm
  • Church cleaning/Social Lunch – 3rd Monday 10am
  • Jesus Cares Ministry – 3rd Thursday, resumes in the fall

Communication:  Prayer Requests/Information or Announcements
Send requests or announcements to the church e-mail: 

*Sunday After Service Gathering Dates – Please mark your calendars

June 2 Picnic, see Richard or Char for more information

Caring Contacts
Rebekah M and Lisa M
If you have a need or know of someone in our congregation who has a need, has been missing from services or could just use a call contact either one of them.  They will coordinate any support needed.

Reminder: Please UPDATE Announcements, Prayer Requests & Praise Reports

Bread of Life JESUS photo purple